"Non-Destructive Quantification of Fuel
Injector Deposits using X-ray Micro-Tomography", Chi Young
Moon, Brandon A. Sforzo, Alan L. Kastengren, Christopher F.
Powell. 31st European Conference on Liquid Atomization and
Spray Systems, Naples, Italy, September 2023. |
"X-ray Radiography Measurements of Spray
Impingement on High-temperature Glow Plug Ignition
Assistance Systems", Chi Young Moon, Ashwini Karmarkar,
Brandon A. Sforzo, Alan L. Kastengren, Christopher F.
Powell, Eric K. Mayhew, Kenneth S. Kim, Jacob E. Temme,
Chol-Bum M. Kweon. 33nd Annual ILASS Americas Conference,
Albuquerque, NM, May 2023 |
"Atomization Performance of a Simplex Spray through X-ray Scattering Tomography" Brandon A. Sforzo, Chi Young Moon, Qian Peng, Jan Ilavsky and Christopher F. Powell. AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, National Harbor, MD, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2023-2047, January 2023 | |
"X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging and Radiography
of Pressure-swirl Atomizing Sprays in a Crossflow", Chi
Young Moon, Qian Peng, Brandon Sforzo, Alan Kastengren and
Christopher F. Powell. AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, National
Harbor, MD, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2023-0088, January
2023 |
"Durability Study of a High-Pressure Common
Rail Fuel Injection System Using Lubricity Additive-Dosed
Gasoline-Like Fuel—Improved Endurance with Upgraded
Hardware", Tom Tzanetakis, Roberto Medina, Rajesh Garg, Qian
Peng, Chi Young Moon, Brandon A. Sforzo, Christopher F.
Powell. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants,
https://doi.org/10.4271/04-16-03-0017 December 2022 |
"Application of Modal Decomposition Techniques to Characterize the Internal Nozzle Flow of a Medium-Duty Diesel Injector Operating With Gasoline-Like Fuels", Katherine J. Asztalos, Roberto Torelli, Yuanjiang Pei, Yu Zhang, Feng Tao, Rajesh Garg, David Langenderfer, Chi Young Moon, Brandon A. Sforzo, Christopher F. Powell, ASME 2022 ICE Forward Conference, Indianapolis, IN, https://doi.org/10.1115/ICEF2022-89520, October 2022 | |
"Computational Investigation of Wall-Film Formation by an Impinging Liquid Jet in Crossflow”, Magnotti, Gina, Brandon Sforzo and Christopher Powell, 2022 Turbomachinery Technical Conference, and Exposition, Rotterdam NL, June 2022 | |
"Simultaneous Ultra-Small-Angle X-ray
Scattering and X-ray Transmission Measurements of a Liquid
Jet in Crossflow with Film Atomization”, Sforzo, Brandon,
Jan Ilavsky and Christopher Powell, 2022 Turbomachinery
Technical Conference and Exposition, Rotterdam NL, June 2022 |
"Near-nozzle Density of Pressure-swirl
Atomizing Sprays in a Crossflow using Time-resolved X-ray
Radiography." Moon, Chi Young, Qian Peng, Brandon
Sforzo, Alan Kastengren and Christopher Powell. 32nd Annual
ILASS Americas Conference, Madison, WI USA, May 2022 |
"Experimental Investigation of
Cavitation-induced Erosion using X-ray Imaging and
Tomography", Moon, Chi Young, Gina Magnotti, Brandon Sforzo,
Aniket Tekawade, Alan Kastengren, and Christopher Powell.
Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, doi:
10.3389/fmech.2022.869165. May 2022 |
"Numerical Evaluation of the Internal Flow
Characteristics of a Production Medium-Duty Diesel Injector
using Gasoline Fuels", Katherine J. Asztalos, Roberto
Torelli, Yuanjiang Pei, Yu Zhang, Feng Tao, Rajesh Garg,
David Langenderfer, Chi Young Moon, Brandon A. Sforzo,
Christopher F. Powell. SAE World Congress Experience,
Detroit, MI, April 2022 |
"X-Ray Characterization of Real Fuel Sprays
for Gasoline Direct Injection", Brandon A. Sforzo, Aniket
Tekawade, Alan L. Kastengren, Kamel Fezzaa, Jan Ilavsky,
Christopher F. Powell, Yuanjiang Pei, Anqi Zhang, Robert
Levy, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 144(2):
022303, https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4050979, February 2022 |
"A Comparison of Injection, Spray, and
Combustion Characteristics for Non-Eroded and Eroded
Multi-Hole Fuel Injectors", Gina M. Magnotti, A. Cody Nunno,
Prithwish Kundu, Aniket Tekawade, Brandon A. Sforzo, Alan L.
Kastengren, Christopher F. Powell, Sibendu Som, ASME 2021
Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical
Conference, https://doi.org/10.1115/ICEF2021-67775, Virtual
Meeting, October 2021 |
"X-ray Characterization of Internal and
Near-nozzle Flow from a Standard Simplex Atomizer Spray"
Brandon A. Sforzo, Alan L. Kastengren, Jan Ilavsky,
Christopher F. Powell. 15th Triennial International
Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems,
Edinburgh, UK, September 2021 |
"X-Ray Radiography and Phase-Contrast Imaging of the Engine Combustion Network Spray B Sprays and Injection", A. L. Kastengren, Kamel Fezzaa, F. Z. Tilocco, D. J. Duke, A. B. Swantek, C. F. Powell. Atomization and Sprays 31, pp. 33-53 DOI: 10.1615/AtomizSpr.2021036665, May 2021 | |
"Impact of Injector Geometry Details on
Cavitation and Erosion Development in a Multi-hole Aluminum
Injector Nozzle", Gina M. Magnotti, Aniket Tekawade, Brandon
A. Sforzo, Alan L. Kastengren, Christopher F. Powell,
Sibendu Som. 11th International Symposium on Cavitation,
Daejon, Korea, May 2021. |
“X-ray Characterization of Liquid Jet
in Crossflow Wall Impingement and Film Atomization.”, B. A.
Sforzo, A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell, 31st Annual ILASS
Americas Conference, Virtual, May 2021. |
"An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Research Simplex Atomizer Sprays", Gabriel L. Jacobsohn, Brandon A. Sforzo, Alan L. Kastengren, Aniket Tekawade, Christopher F. Powell, Scott B. Leask†, Alice K. Li†, and Vincent G. McDonell. AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2021-1095, January 2021. | |
"X-Ray Characterization of Real Fuel Sprays
for Gasoline Direct Injection", Brandon A. Sforzo, Aniket
Tekawade, Alan L. Kastengren, Kamel Fezzaa, Jan Ilavsky,
Christopher F. Powell, Yuanjiang Pei, Anqi Zhang, Robert
Levy, ASME-ICE Fall Technical Conference,
https://doi.org/10.1115/ICEF2020-2974, December 2020. |
"Gaseous jet through an outward opening
injector: details of mixing characteristic and turbulence
scales", L. Bartolucci, S. Cordinera, V. Mulone, R.
Scarcelli, T. Wallner, A. B. Swantek, C. F. Powell, A. L.
Kastengren. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 85,
October 2020. |
"Effects of detailed geometry and real fluid
thermodynamics on Spray G atomization", Marco Arienti,
Everett A.Wenzel, Brandon A. Sforzo Christopher F. Powell.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38,
Issue 2, 2021, pp. 3277-3285, September 2020. |
"Time-resolved 3D imaging of two-phase fluid
flow inside a steel fuel injector using synchrotron X-ray
tomography", Aniket Tekawade, Brandon A. Sforzo, Katarzyna
E. Matusik, Kamel Fezzaa, Alan L. Kastengren, Christopher F.
Powell. Scientific Reports 10, 8674,
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-65701-x, May 2020. |
"Collaborative Investigation of the Internal Flow and Near-nozzle Flow of a 8-Hole Gasoline Injector (Engine Combustion Network Spray G)", Chinmoy K. Mohapatra, David P. Schmidt, Brandon A. Sforzo, Katarzyna E. Matusik, Zongyu Yue, Christopher F. Powell, Sibendu Som, Balaji Mohan, Hong G. Im, Jihad Badra, Mathis Bode, Heinz Pitsch, Dimitrios Papoulias, Kshitij Neeroorkar, Samir Muzaferija, Pedro Marti-Aldaravi, Maria Martinez. International Journal of Engine Research, https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087420918449, March 2020. | |
"Durability Study of a Light-Duty High
Pressure Common Rail Fuel Injection System Using E10
Gasoline", Tom Tzanetakis, Mark Sellnau, Vincent Costanzo,
Michael Traver, Tony Williams, Erol Kahraman, Jean Herve
Petot, Guillaume Meissonnier, Aniket Tekawade, Brandon
Sforzo, and Christopher F. Powell. SAE Technical Paper
2020-01-0616, 2020, doi:10.4271/2020-01-0616, April 2020 |
"Analysis of the Spray Numerical Injection
Modeling for Gasoline Applications", Lorenzo Nocivelli,
Brandon A. Sforzo, Aniket Tekawade, Junhao Yan, Christopher
F. Powell, Wayne Chang, Chia-Fon Lee, Sibendu Som. SAE
Technical Paper 2020-01-0330, 2020,
doi:10.4271/2020-01-0330, April 2020. |
"Internal Nozzle Flow Simulations of the ECN Spray C Injector under Realistic Operating Conditions", Hengjie Guo, Roberto Torelli, Abian Bautista Rodriguez, Aniket Tekawade, Brandon Sforzo, Christopher Powell, and Sibendu Som. SAE Int. J. Adv. & Curr. Prac. in Mobility 2(4):2229-2240, https://doi.org/10.4271/2020-01-1154. April 2020. | |
"Internal Nozzle Flow Simulations of the ECN
Spray C Injector under Realistic Operating Conditions",
Hengjie Guo, Roberto Torelli, Abian Bautista Rodriguez,
Aniket Tekawade, Brandon Sforzo, Christopher Powell, and
Sibendu Som. SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-1154, 2020,
doi:10.4271/2020-01-1154, April 2020. |
"Transient Internal Nozzle Flow in
Transparent Multi-Hole Diesel Injector", Koji Yasutomi,
Joonsik Hwang, Lyle M. Pickett, Brandon Sforzo, Katarzyna
Matusik, and Christopher F. Powell. SAE Technical Paper
2020-01-0830, 2020, doi:10.4271/2020-01-0830, April 2020. |
"Geometry and Spray Characterization of Standard Simplex Atomizers", B.A. Sforzo, A. Tekawade, A.L. Kastengren, C.F. Powell, S.B. Leask, A.K. Li, V.G. McDonell. 2020 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Science and Technology Forum, Orlando, FL, USA, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2020-0912, January 2020. | |
"3D Measurements of the Geometry, Internal
Flow and Emerging Fuel Jet from the ECN Spray C Injector",
Brandon Sforzo, Aniket Tekawade, Katarzyna E. Matusik, Alan
L. Kastengren, Christopher F. Powell. 29th European
Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Paris,
France, 2-4 September 2019. |
"X-ray Characterization and Spray Measurements of ECN Spray G Using Alternative Fuels at Flashing Conditions", Brandon A. Sforzo, Aniket Tekawade, Katarzyna E. Matusik, Alan L. Kastengren, Jan Ilavsky, Christopher F. Powell. 29th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Paris, France, 2-4 September 2019. | |
"High-fidelity geometry generation from CT
data using convolutional neural networks", Aniket Tekawade,
Brandon A. Sforzo, Katarzyna E. Matusik, Alan L. Kastengren,
Christopher F. Powell. Developments in X-Ray Tomography XII,
Proceedings 11113, https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2540442, SPIE
Optical Engineering + Applications, San Diego, California,
September 2019. |
"Highly Resolved Eulerian Simulations of Fuel
Spray Transients in Single and Multi-Hole injectors: Nozzle
Flow and Near-Exit Dynamics", M. Battistoni, S. Som, C. F.
Powell, Fuel 251, pp. 709-729,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2019.04.076, September 2019. |
"Quantitative analysis of dribble volumes and rates using 3D reconstruction of X-ray and DBI images of diesel sprays", Vitaliy Sechenyh, Daniel J Duke, Andrew B Swantek, Katarzyna E Matusik, Alan L Kastengren, Christopher F Powell, Alberto Viera, Raul Payri, and Cyril Crua. International Journal of Engine Research, https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087419860955, July 2019. | |
"X-Ray Measurements of Fuel Spray Specific Surface Area and Sauter Mean Diameter for Cavitating and Non-Cavitating Diesel Sprays", Katarzyna E. Matusik, Brandon A. Sforzo, Hee Je Seong, Daniel J. Duke, Alan L. Kastengren, Jan Ilavsky, and Christopher F. Powell. Atomization and Sprays 29(3), pp. 199–216, doi:10.1615/AtomizSpr.2019030112, June 2019. | |
"X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging of Liquid Film
and Spray Development Inside and Aircraft Engine Swirler",
B. A. Sforzo, A. L. Kastengren, K. E. Matusik, F. Gomez del
Campo, C. F. Powell. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2019,
Phoenix, Arizona, USA, June 2019. |
"Complementary Characterization of Standard Simplex Atomizers using Phase Doppler Interferometry and X-ray Radiography", B.A. Sforzo, S.B. Leask, A.K. Li, A. Tekawade, C.F. Powell, V.G. McDonell, A.L. Kastengren, 30th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Tempe, AZ, May 2019. | |
"X-ray Characterization and Spray Measurements of ECN Spray G Using Alternative Fuels Under Flashing Conditions", B.A. Sforzo, A. Tekawade, K.E. Matusik, A.L. Kastengren, J. Ilavsky, K. Fezzaa, and C.F. Powell, 30th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Tempe, AZ, May 2019. | |
"A comparison between CFD and 3D X-ray Diagnostics of Internal Flow in a Cavitating Diesel Injector Nozzle", A. Tekawade, P. Mitra, B. A. Sforzo, K. E. Matusik, A. L. Kastengren, D. P. Schmidt, C. F. Powell, 30th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Tempe, AZ, May 2019. | |
"3D Imaging of Cavitating Flow in a Diesel
Injector at Practical Conditions using X-ray micro-CT", A.
Tekawade, B. A. Sforzo, K. E. Matusik, A. L. Kastengren, C.
F. Powell, 30th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and
Spray Systems, Tempe, AZ, May 2019. |
"Performance, Fuel Economy and Economic Assessment of a Combustion Concept Employing In-Cylinder Gasoline/NG Blending for Light-Duty Vehicle Applications", Thomas Wallner, Michael Pamminger, Riccardo Scarcelli, Christopher Powell, Severin Kamguia Simeu, Ron Reese, Asim Iqbal, Steven Wooldridge, Brad Boyer. International Journal of Engine Research 12(3):271-289, https://doi.org/10.4271/03-12-03-0019, April 2019. | |
"Durability Study of a High Pressure Common
Rail Fuel Injection System Using Lubricity Additive Dosed
Gasoline-Like Fuel – Additional Cycle Runtime and Teardown
Analysis", T. Tzanetakis, Y. Pei, M. Traver, B. Sforzo, K.
Matusik, A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell. SAE Int. J. Adv.
& Curr. Prac. in Mobility 1(2):654-674,
https://doi.org/10.4271/2019-01-0263. April 2019 |
"Durability Study of a High Pressure Common
Rail Fuel Injection System Using Lubricity Additive Dosed
Gasoline-Like Fuel – Additional Cycle Runtime and Teardown
Analysis", T. Tzanetakis, Y. Pei, M. Traver, B. Sforzo, K.
Matusik, A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell. SAE 2019 World
Congress, Detroit, MI, April 2019. |
"Identification and Characterization of
Steady State Spray Conditions in Convergent, Single-Hole
Diesel Injectors", P. Mitra, E. Baldwin, K. E. Matusik, D.
Duke, C. F. Powell, M. Arienti, L. M. Pickett, J. Manin, K.
Yasutomi, P. Srivastava, P. K. Senecal, D. P. Schmidt. SAE
2019 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 2019. |
"3D pore analysis of gasoline particulate filters using x-ray tomography: Impact of coating and ash-loading", H. Seong, S. Choi, K. E. Matusik, A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell. Journal of Materials Science, DOI 10.1007/s10853-018-03310-w, January 2019. | |
"Aircraft Ignition Kernel Characterization by X-ray Radiography", B. A. Sforzo, K. E, Matusik, A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell, and J. M. Seitzman. 2019 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Science and Technology Forum, San Diego, CA, USA, January 2019. | |
"Measurement of Sauter Mean Diameter in Diesel Sprays Using a Scattering-Absorption Measurement Ratio Technique", G. L. Martinez, F. Poursadegh, G. M. Magnotti, K. E. Matusik, D. J. Duke, B. W. Knox, C. L. Genzale, C. F. Powell, A. L. Kastengren. International Journal of Engine Research 20(1) pp. 6-19, https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087418819912, December 2018. | |
"Experimental and Computational Investigation of Subcritical Near-Nozzle Spray Structure and Primary Atomization in the Engine Combustion Network Spray D", Michele Battistoni, Gina M. Magnotti, Caroline L. Genzale, Marco Arienti, Katarzyna E. Matusik, Daniel J. Duke, Jhoan Giraldo, Jan Ilavsky, Alan L. Kastengren, Christopher F. Powell, Pedro Marti-Aldaravi.SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr., https://doi.org/10.4271/2018-01-0277, December 2018. | |
"Hard X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy of High
Pressure Cavitating Fluids in Aluminum Nozzles", Daniel J.
Duke, Alan L. Kastengren, Katarzyna E. Matusik, and
Christopher F. Powell. International Journal of Multiphase
Flow 108, pp 69-79, November 2018. |
"Investigation and Simulation of Gasoline in a Diesel Fuel Injector for Gasoline Compression Ignition Applications", M. Traver, Y. Pei, T. Tzanetakis, R. Torelli, C.. F. Powell, S. Som, 11th Conference Injection and Fuels, Berlin, Germany, November 2018. | |
"Measurement of Sauter Mean Diameter in
Diesel Sprays Using a Scattering-Absorption Measurement
Ratio Technique", G. L. Martinez, F. Poursadegh, G. M.
Magnotti, K. E. Matusik, D. J. Duke, B. W. Knox, C. L.
Genzale, C. F. Powell, and A. L. Kastengren. THIESEL 2018:
Conference on Thermo- and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Direct
Injection Engines, Valencia, Spain, September 2018. |
"Validation of a New Turbulence-Induced Lagrangian Primary Breakup Model for Diesel Spray Atomization", Sayop Kim, Gabrielle Martinez, Gina Magnotti, Benjamin Knox, Alan Kastengren, Katarzyna E. Matusik, Brandon A. Sforzo, Christopher F. Powell, Tommaso Lucchini, Gianluca D’Errico, Caroline Genzale. 14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Chicago, IL, July 2018. | |
"Numerical Study of Shot-to-Shot Variability
in a Diesel Injector Using Real Geometry, Gasoline-Like
Fuels, and Short Injection Durations", Roberto Torelli,
Brandon A. Sforzo, Katarzyna E. Matusik, Alan L. Kastengren,
Kamel Fezzaa, Christopher F. Powell, Sibendu Som, Yuanjiang
Pei, Tom Tzanetakis, Yu Zhang, and Michael Traver. 14th
International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray
Systems, Chicago, IL, July 2018. |
"X-Ray Measurements of Fuel Spray Specific
Surface Area and Sauter Mean Diameter for Cavitating and
Non-Cavitating Diesel Sprays", Katarzyna E. Matusik, Brandon
A. Sforzo, Hee Je Seong, Alan L. Kastengren, Jan Ilavsky,
and Christopher F. Powell. 14th
International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray
Systems, Chicago, IL, July 2018. |
"Effects of fuel viscosity on the primary breakup dynamics of a high-speed liquid jet with comparison to X-ray radiography", L. Bravo, D. Kim, F. Ham, C. F. Powell, A. L. Kastengren, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (3), pp. 3245-3253, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2018.05.064, June 2018. | |
"Fuel nozzle geometry effects on cavitation
and spray behavior at diesel engine conditions", Brandon A.
Sforzo, Katarzyna E. Matusik, Christopher F. Powell, Alan L.
Kastengren, Shane Daly, Scott Skeen, Emre Cenker, Lyle M.
Pickett, Cyril Crua, and Julien Manin. 10th International
Symposium on Cavitation, Baltimore, MD, May 2018. |
"In-Nozzle Cavitation-Induced Orifice-to-Orifice Variations Using Real Injector Geometry and Gasoline-Like Fuels", Roberto Torelli, Katarzyna E. Matusik, Brandon A. Sforzo, Alan L. Kastengren, Christopher F. Powell, Sibendu Som, Yuanjiang Pei, Tom Tzanetakis, Michael Traver. 10th International Symposium on Cavitation, Baltimore, MD, May 2018. | |
“Evaluation of Shot-to-Shot In-Nozzle Flow Variations in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Injector Using Real Nozzle Geometry,” R. Torelli, K. Matusik, K. Nelli, A. L. Kastengren, K. Fezzaa, C. F. Powell, S. Som, Y. Pei, T. Tzanetakis, Y. Zhang, M. Traver, D. J. Cleary. SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr., doi:10.4271/2018-01-0303, May 2018. | |
“Evaluation of Shot-to-Shot In-Nozzle Flow Variations in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Injector Using Real Nozzle Geometry”, Roberto Torelli, Katarzyna Matusik, Kyle Nelli, Alan L. Kastengren, Kamel Fezzaa, Christopher F. Powell, Sibendu Som, Yuanjiang Pei, Tom Tzanetakis, Yu Zhang, Michael Traver, David J. Cleary. SAE Paper No. 2018-01-0303, SAE 2018 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 2018. | |
"Experimental and Computational Investigation of Subcritical Near-Nozzle Spray Structure and Primary Atomization in the Engine Combustion Network Spray D", Michele Battistoni, Gina M. Magnotti, Caroline L. Genzale, Marco Arienti, Katarzyna E. Matusik, Daniel J. Duke, Jhoan Giraldo, Jan Ilavsky, Alan L. Kastengren, Christopher F. Powell, Pedro Marti-Aldaravi. SAE Paper No. 2018-01-0277, SAE 2018 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 2018. | |
"Internal and Near Nozzle Measurements of Engine Combustion Network “Spray G” Gasoline Direct Injectors", Daniel J. Duke, Alan L. Kastengren, Katarzyna E. Matusik, Andrew B. Swantek, Christopher F. Powell, Raul Payri, Daniel Vaquerizo, Lama Itani, Gilles Bruneaux, Ronald Grover, Scott Parrish, Lee Markle, David Schmidt, Julien Manin, Scott A. Skeen, Lyle M. Pickett. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2017.07.015, November 2017. | Link |
"High-resolution X-ray tomography of Engine Combustion Network diesel injectors", Katarzyna E. Matusik, Daniel J. Duke, Alan L. Kastengren, Nicholas Sovis, Andrew B. Swantek, Christopher F. Powell. International Journal of Engine Research, https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087417736985, October 2017. | |
"X-Ray radiography measurements of the
thermal energy in spark ignition plasma at variable ambient
conditions", Katarzyna E. Matusik, Daniel J. Duke, Alan L.
Kastengren, and Christopher F. Powell. Int. J. Engines
10(5):2017, doi:10.4271/2017-24-0178, September 2017. |
"Spray flow structure from twin-hole diesel injector nozzles", D. Nguyen, D. Duke, A. Kastengren, K. E. Matusik, A. B. Swantek, C. F. Powell and D. Honnery, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 86, pp 235–247, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2017.04.020, September 2017. | |
"Quantification of diesel injector dribble using 3D reconstruction from X-ray and DBI imaging", Vitaliy Sechenyh, Jack Turner, Viacheslav Stetsyuk, Dan Sykes, Daniel J Duke, Andrew B Swantek, Katarzyna E Matusik, Alan L. Kastengren, Christopher F. Powell, Alberto Viera, Raul Payri, Cyril Crua. ILASS – Europe 2017, 28th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Valencia, Spain, September 2017. | |
"A study on the relationship between internal
nozzle geometry and injected mass distribution of eight ECN
Spray G nozzles", K.E. Matusik, D.J. Duke, N. Sovis, A.B.
Swantek, C.F. Powell, R. Payri, D. Vaquerizo, S.
Giraldo-Valderrama, A.L. Kastengren. ILASS – Europe 2017,
28th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray
Systems, Valencia, Spain, September 2017. |
"Modelling and validation of near-field
Diesel spray CFD simulations based on the Σ -Y model", J.M.
García-Oliver, J.M Pastor, A. Pandal, B. Naud, K. E.
Matusik, D. J. Duke, A. L. Kastengren, C.F. Powell,
D.P. Schmidt. ILASS – Europe 2017, 28th Annual Conference on
Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Valencia, Spain,
September 2017. |
"Measurements of Droplet Size in Shear-Driven Atomization Using Ultra-Small Angle X-Ray Scattering", A. L. Kastengren, J. Ilavsky, J. Viera, R. Payri, D. Duke, A. Swantek, F. Z. Tilocco, N. Sovis, C. F. Powell, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 92, pp 131-139, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2017.03.005, June 2017. | |
"X-Ray Fluorescence Measurements of Hydraulic Flip in a Beryllium Nozzle", D. J. Duke, K. E. Matusik, N. Sovis, A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell. ILASS Americas 29th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Atlanta, GA, May 2017. | |
"Modeling the Influence of Nozzle-Generated
Turbulence on Diesel Sprays", G. M. Magnotti, K. E. Matusik,
D. J. Duke, B. W. Knox, G. L. Martinez, C.F. Powell, A. L. Kastengren, C. L. Genzale. ILASS Americas 29th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Atlanta, GA, May 2017. |
"Quantification of Sauter Mean Diameter in
Diesel Sprays using Scattering-Absorption Extinction
Measurements", Gabrielle L. Martinez, Gina M. Magnotti,
Benjamin W. Knox, Caroline L. Genzale, Katarzyna E. Matusik,
Daniel J. Duke, Christopher F. Powell, Alan L. Kastengren.
ILASS Americas 29th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization
and Spray Systems, Atlanta, GA, May 2017. |
"An Experimental Investigation of Gas Fuel
Injection with X-ray Radiography", A.B. Swantek, D. J. Duke,
A.L. Kastengren, N. Sovis, C.F. Powell, L Bartolucci, R.,
Scarcelli, and T. Wallner, Experimental Thermal and Fluid
Science 87 pp. 15-29. doi:
10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2017.04.016, April 2017. |
"Computational and Experimental Investigation of Interfacial Area in Near-Field Diesel Spray Simulation", Adrian Pandal, Raul Payri, Alan L. Kastengren, Daniel J. Duke, Katarzyna E. Matusik, Jhoan S. Giraldo, Christopher F. Powell, David P. Schmidt. SAE Paper No. 2017-01-0859, SAE 2017 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 2017. | |
“Computational and Experimental Investigation
of Interfacial Area in Near-Field Diesel Spray Simulations”,
A. Pandal, J. M. Pastor, R. Payri, A. Kastengren, D. Duke,
K. Matusik, J. S. Giraldo, C. F. Powell and D. P. Schmidt.
SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 10(2):423-431, 2017,
https://doi.org/10.4271/2017-01-0859, April 2017 |
"High-resolution x-ray and neutron computed tomography of an Engine Combustion Network Spray G gasoline injector", Daniel J. Duke, Charles E.A. Finney, Alan L. Kastengren, Katarzyna E. Matusik, Nicholas Sovis, Christopher F. Powell, Todd J. Toops. SAE Paper No. 2017-01-0824, SAE 2017 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 2017. | |
"High-resolution x-ray and neutron computed tomography of an Engine Combustion Network Spray G gasoline injector", Daniel J. Duke, Charles E.A. Finney, Alan L. Kastengren, Katarzyna E. Matusik, Nicholas Sovis, Christopher F. Powell, Todd J. Toops. SAE Paper No. 2017-01-0824, SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 10(2):328-343, https://doi.org/10.4271/2017-01-0824, April 2017. | |
"X-ray radiography of cavitation in a beryllium alloy nozzle", Daniel J Duke, Katarzyna E Matusik, Alan L Kastengren, Andrew B Swantek, Nicholas Sovis, Raul Payri, Juan P Viera, and Christopher F Powell. International Journal of Engine Research, Doi: 10.1177/1468087416685965, February 2017. | |
"Revealing pMDI Spray Initial Conditions: Flashing, Atomisation and the Effect of Ethanol", N. Mason-Smith, D. J. Duke, A. L. Kastengren, D. Traini, P. M. Young, Y. Chen, D. A. Lewis, D. Edgington-Mitchell, D. Honnery. Pharm Res. 2017 Apr;34(4):718-729. doi: 10.1007/s11095-017-2098-2, January 2017. | |
"Numerical Investigation on Sensitivity of
Liquid Jet Breakup to Physical Fuel Properties with
Experimental Comparison", D. Kim, F. Ham, L. Bravo, K. E.
Matusik, D. J. Duke, A. L. Kastengren, A. B. Swantek, C. F.
Powell. 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid
Dynamics, Portland, OR, November 2016. |
"Effect of Grid Resolution on Predicted Spray Variability using Multiple Large-eddy Spray Simulations", N. Van Dam, S. Som, A. Swantek, C. F. Powell. ASME Internal Combustion Engine Fall Technical Conference, Greenville, SC, October 2016. | |
"X-Ray Fluorescence Measurements of Dissolved
Gas and Cavitation", D. J. Duke, A. L. Kastengren, A. B.
Swantek, K. E. Matusik, C. F. Powell. Experiments in Fluids
57:162. DOI:10.1007/s00348-016-2250-5, September 2016. |
"String Flash-Boiling in Gasoline Direct
Injection Simulations with Transient Needle Motion", E.T.
Baldwin, D.P. Schmidt, R.O. Grover, Jr., S.E. Parrish, D.J.
Duke, K.E. Matusik, C.F. Powell, A.L. Kastengren.
International Journal of Multiphase Flow (2016), pp. 90-101,
September 2016. |
"X-ray radiography of cavitation in a
beryllium alloy nozzle", Daniel J Duke, Andrew B Swantek,
Katarzyna E Matusik, Alan L Kastengren, Juan P Viera, Raul
Payri, and Christopher F Powell. THIESEL 2016
Conference on Thermo- and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Direct
Injection Engines, Valencia, Spain, September 2016. |
"Time-Resolved X-ray Radiography of Cavitation in a Metal Nozzle", Daniel J Duke, Alan L Kastengren, Andrew B Swantek, Katarzyna E Matusik, Raul Payri, Juan P Viera, and Christopher F Powell. ILASS – Europe 2016, 27th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Brighton, UK, September 2016. | |
"Numerical Investigation of Liquid Jet
Breakup and Droplet Statistics with Comparison to X-ray
Radiography", L. Bravo, D. Kim, F. Ham, K. E. Matusik, D. J.
Duke, A. L. Kastengren, A. B. Swantek, C. F. Powell. 52nd
AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Salt Lake City,
UT, July 2016. |
"The effects of parcel count on predictions of spray variability in large-eddy simulations of diesel fuel sprays", N. Van Dam, S. Som, A. Swantek, C. F. Powell. ILASS Americas 28th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Dearborn, MI, May 2016. | |
"High Resolution X-Ray Tomography of Injection Nozzles", K. E. Matusik, D. J. Duke, C. F. Powell, A. L. Kastengren. ILASS Americas 28th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Dearborn, MI, May 2016. | |
"High-Speed Radiography and Visible Light Extinction of a Pressure-Swirl Atomizer", A. L. Kastengren, K. E. Matusik, D. J. Duke, C. F. Powell. ILASS Americas 28th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Dearborn, MI, May 2016. | |
"X-ray radiography measurements and numerical simulations of cavitation in a metal nozzle", D. J. Duke, A. B. Swantek, K. E. Matusik, A. L. Kastengren, J. P. Viera, R. Payri, C. F. Powell and D. P. Schmidt. ILASS Americas 28th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Dearborn, MI, May 2016. | |
"Time-Resolved X-Ray Radiography of Spark Ignition Plasma", A. L. Kastengren, D. J. Duke, A. B. Swantek, J. M. Sevik, T. Wallner, C. F. Powell. SAE Int. J. Engines 9(2):2016 | |
"Time-Resolved X-Ray Radiography of Spark Ignition Plasma", A. L. Kastengren, D. J. Duke, A. B. Swantek, J. M. Sevik, T. Wallner, C. F. Powell. SAE Paper No. 2016-01-0640, SAE 2016 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 2016. | |
"X-Ray Radiography and CFD Studies of the
ECN Spray G Injector", P. Strek, D. J. Duke, A. L.
Kastengren, C. F. Powell, D. P. Schmidt. SAE Paper No.
2016-01-0858, SAE 2016 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April
2016. |
"CFD and X-ray Analysis of Gaseous Direct
Injection from an Outward Opening Injector", L. Bartolucci,
R. Scarcelli, T. Wallner, A. Swantek, C. F. Powell. SAE
Paper No. 2016-01-0850, SAE 2016 World Congress, Detroit,
MI, April 2016. |
"Linking instantaneous rate of injection to
x-ray needle lift measurements for a direct-acting
piezoelectric injector", J. P. Viera, R. Payri, A. B.
Swantek, D. J. Duke, N. Sovis, A. L. Kastengren, C. F.
Powell. Energy Conversion & Management pp. 350-358,
January 2016. |
"Common Rail Diesel Sprays from Twin-hole Nozzle”, D. Nguyen, D. Duke, A. Kastengren, C. Powell and D. Honnery, Proc Australian Combustion Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 200-203, December 2015. | |
“A Review of Sychrotron Radiation Diagnostics for Fluid Mechanics”, D. J. Duke, Proc. 7th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 15-22, December 2015. | |
"X-ray Diagnostics for Cavitating Nozzle
Flow", D. J. Duke, A. B. Swantek, A. L. Kastengren and C. F.
Powell, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 656
(2015) 012110. |
"Time-resolved X-ray Tomography of Gasoline Direct Injection Sprays", D. J. Duke, A. B. Swantek, N. Sovis, F. Z. Tilocco, A. L. Kastengren, D. Gursoy, T. Bicer, C. F. Powell. SAE Paper No. 2015-01-1873, JSAE/SAE Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants International Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, September 2015. | |
"An Examination of Spray Stochastics in Single-Hole Diesel Injectors", A. B. Swantek, D. J. Duke, C. F. Powell, A. L. Kastengren. SAE Paper No. 2015-01-9308, JSAE/SAE Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants International Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, September 2015. | |
“Fuel Effects on Nozzle Flow and Spray Using
Fully Coupled Eulerian Simulations”, L. Bravo, Q. Xue, M.
Tess, M. Kurman, C. F. Powell, S. Som, and C.B. Kweon.
Proceedings of the ASME Power Conference, Power 2015-49554,
San Diego, CA, July 2015. |
“Validation of Cavitation Simulations in
Submerged Nozzles”, D. J. Duke, M. Battistoni, A. B.
Swantek, N. Sovis, A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell, S. Som,
and D. P. Schmidt. ILASS Americas 27th Annual
Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Raleigh,
NC, May 2015. |
"Fluctuation Mechanisms in Single Hole Diesel Injectors", A. B. Swantek, D. J. Duke, C. F. Powell, A. L. Kastengren. ILASS Americas 27th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Raleigh, NC, May 2015. | |
"Effects of Non-Condensable Gas on Cavitating Nozzles", M. Battistoni, D. J. Duke, A. B. Swantek, F. Z. Tilocco, C. F. Powell, S. Som. Atomization & Sprays 25 (6): 453–483 (2015). | |
“LES of Diesel and Gasoline Sprays with
Validation against X-ray Radiography Data”, Z. Wang, A. B.
Swantek, R. Scarcelli, D. J. Duke, A. L. Kastengren, C. F.
Powell and S. Som, R. Reese, K. Freeman and Y. Zhu.
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 8(1) pp.
147-159, April 2015. |
“Recent Developments in X-ray Diagnostics for
Cavitation", D. J. Duke, A. B Swantek, N. Sovis, C. F.
Powell, A. L. Kastengren and K. Fezzaa, SAE International
Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 8(1) pp. 135-146, April
2015. |
“Quantification of shot to shot variation in
single-hole diesel injectors”, A. B. Swantek, A. L.
Kastengren, D. J. Duke, F. Zak Tilocco, N. Sovis and C. F.
Powell, SAE International Journal of Fuels and
Lubricants, 8(1) pp. 160-166, April 2015. |
“LES Modeling of Diesel and Gasoline Sprays
with Validation Against X-ray Radiography Data”, Z. Wang, A.
B. Swantek, R. Scarcelli, D. J. Duke, A. L. Kastengren, C.
F. Powell, S. Som, R. Reese, K. Freeman, and Y. Zhu,
SAE Paper No. 2015-01-0931, SAE 2015 World Congress,
Detroit, MI, April 2015. |
"Recent Developments in X-ray Diagnostics for
Cavitation", D. J. Duke, A. B. Swantek, A. L. Kastengren, C.
F. Powell, SAE Paper No. 2015-01-0198, SAE 2015 World
Congress, Detroit, MI, April 2015. |
"Quantification of Shot-to-Shot Variation in Single Hole Diesel Injectors", A. B. Swantek, D. J. Duke, A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell, SAE Paper No. 2015-01-0936, SAE 2015 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 2015. | |
“An Eulerian CFD Model and X-ray Radiography
for Coupled Nozzle Flow and Spray in Internal Combustion
Engines”, Q. Xue, M. Battistoni, C.F. Powell, S. Quan, E.
Pomraning, P.K. Senecal, D.P. Schmidt, and S. Som,
International Journal of Multi-phase Flows 70, 77-88 (2015). |
"A further examination of fuel dribble from single hole diesel nozzles", A. B. Swantek, A. L. Kastengren, D. J. Duke, F. Z. Tilocco, N. Sovis, C. F. Powell, 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Bremen, Germany, September 2014. | |
"X-ray Imaging of Cavitation in Diesel Injectors", D. J. Duke, A. B. Swantek, F. Z. Tilocco, C. F. Powell, A. L. Kastengren, K. Fezzaa, K. Neroorkar, M. Moulai, D. P. Schmidt. SAE International Journal of Engines 7 no. 2 pp. 1003-1016, July 2014 | |
"Fluid Dynamics Modeling of the End-of-Injection Process", M. Battistoni, S. Som, C.F. Powell, A.L. Kastengren, 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Portland, OR, May 2014. | |
"Comparing Simulations and X-ray Measurements of a Cavitating Nozzle", D. Duke, A. L. Kastengren, A. Swantek, N. Sovis, K. Fezzaa, K. Neroorkar, M. Moulai, C. Powell, D. Schmidt. 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Portland, OR, May 2014. | |
"End of injection, mass expulsion behaviors in single hole diesel fuel injectors", A.B. Swantek, D. Duke, F.Z. Tilocco, N. Sovis, C. F. Powell, A.L. Kastengren. 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Portland, OR, May 2014. | |
"X-ray Imaging of Cavitation in Diesel Injectors", D. J. Duke, A. B. Swantek, F. Z. Tilocco, C. F. Powell, A. L. Kastengren, K. Fezzaa, K. Neroorkar, M. Moulai, D. P. Schmidt. Society of Automotive Engineers, Paper 2014-01-1404 (2014). | |
"Comparison of Near-Field Structure and Growth of a Diesel Spray Using Light-Based Optical Microscopy and X-Ray Radiography", L. M. Pickett, J. Manin, A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell. Society of Automotive Engineers, Paper 2014-01-1412 (2014). | |
"Time-Resolved X-Ray Radiography of Sprays from Engine Combustion Network Spray A Diesel Injectors", A. L. Kastengren, F. Z. Tilocco, D. J. Duke, C. F. Powell, S. Moon, X. Zhang, Atomization & Sprays 24 (3), pp 251-272, February 2014. | |
"Synchrotron X-Ray Techniques for Fluid Dynamics", A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell. Experiments in Fluids 55:1686, February 2014. | |
"High Resolution Large Eddy Simulations of Cavitating Gasoline-Ethanol Blends", D. J. Duke,D. Schmidt, K. Neroorkar, A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell, International Journal of Engine Research 14: 578-589, October 2013. | |
"X-Ray Radiography Measurements of Cavitating Nozzle Flow", D. J. Duke, A. L. Kastengren, F. Z. Tilocco, A. Swantek, and C. F. Powell, Atomization & Sprays 23 (9), pp. 841-860, 2013. | |
“High-Pressure Gaseous Injection: A
Comprehensive Analysis of Gas Dynamics and Mixing Effects”,
Riccardo Scarcelli, Alan L. Kastengren, Christopher F.
Powell, Thomas Wallner, Nicholas S. Matthias, ASME Internal
Combustion Engines Division Fall Technical Conference, July
2013. |
"Unraveling the Geometry Dependence of
In-Nozzle Cavitation in High-Pressure Injectors", K.-S. Im,
S.-K. Cheong, C. F. Powell, M.-C. D. Lai, J. Wang,
Scientific Reports 3, Article number: 2067, June
2013. |
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"Measurements of Diesel Spray Droplet Size with Ultra-Small Angle X-Ray Scattering", C. F. Powell, D. J. Duke, A. L. Kastengren, J. Ilavsky. 25th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2013. | |
"Synchrotron X-Ray Measurements of Cavitation", D. J. Duke, A.L. Kastengren, F. Z. Tilocco, C.F. Powell. 25th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2013. | |
"Engine Combustion Network
(ECN): Measurements of Nozzle Geometry and Hydraulic
Behavior", A. L. Kastengren, F. Z. Tilocco, C. F. Powell, J.
Manin, L. M. Pickett, R. Payri, T. Bazyn. Atomization &
Sprays 22 (12), pp 1011-1052 (2012). |
"Measurements of Spatial Variations in Response of Ionization Chambers", W. E. B. Miller, A. L. Kastengren, J Synchrotron Rad. 20 pp 160-165, October 2012. | |
"Understanding the Acoustic
Oscillations Observed in the Injection Rate of a Common-Rail
Direct Injection Diesel Injector", J. Manin, A. Kastengren,
R. Payri. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
134(12), 122801,
October 2012. |
"Image Processing Techniques
for Determining Needle Lift in Fuel Injectors", F. Z.
Tilocco, A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell. American Society of
Mechanical Engineers ICEF2012, September 2012. |
"High Pressure Gaseous
Injection: A Comprehensive Analysis of Gas Dynamics and
Mixing Effects", R. Scarcelli, A. L. Kastengren, C. F.
Powell, T. Wallner, N. S. Matthias. American Society of
Mechanical Engineers ICEF2012-92137, September 2012. |
"Time-Resolved X-Ray
Radiography of Diesel Injectors from the Engine Combustion
Network", A. L. Kastengren, F. Z. Tilocco, D. Duke, C. F.
Powell, S. Moon, X. Zhang. ICLASS 2012, 12th Triennial
International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray
Systems, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2012. |
"A Study of Gas-Centered
Swirl Coaxial Injectors using X-ray Radiography", S.A.
Schumaker, A.L. Kastengren, M.D.A. Lightfoot, S.A. Danczyk
and C.F. Powell, ICLASS 2012, 12th Triennial International
Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems,
Heidelberg, Germany, September 2012. |
"End-of-Injection Behavior of
Diesel Sprays Measured with X-Ray Radiography", A. L.
Kastengren, C. F. Powell, F. Z. Tilocco, Z. Liu, S. Moon, X.
Zhang, J. Gao. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines
and Power 134(9),
094501, July 2012. |
"CFD and X-ray Investigation
of the Characteristics of Under-Expanded Gaseous Jets", R.
Scarcelli, A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell, T. Wallner, N. S.
Matthias. COMODIA-2012, Fukuoka, Japan, July 2012. |
"The 7BM beamline at the APS:
a facility for time-resolved fluid dynamics measurements",
A. Kastengren, C. F. Powell, D. Arms, E. M. Dufresne, H.
Gibson and J. Wang. J. Synchrotron Rad. 19 (2012). |
"Application of X-Ray
Fluorescence to Turbulent Mixing", A. L. Kastengren, C. F.
Powell, E. M. Dufresne, D. A. Walko, Journal of Synchrotron
Radiation 18,
September 2011, pp. 811-815. |
"Initial Evaluation of Engine Combustion Network Injectors with X-Ray Diagnostics", A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell, S. Moon, J. Gao, X. Zhang, K. Fezzaa. 23rd Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Ventura, CA, May 2011. | |
"Correlation of Split-Injection Needle Lift and Spray Structure", A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell, Z Liu, S. Moon, J. Gao, X. Zhang, J. Wang, Society of Automotive Engineers, Paper 2011-01-0383 (2011). | |
"End-of-Injection Behavior of
Diesel Sprays Measured with X-Ray Radiography", A. L.
Kastengren, C. F. Powell, Z. Liu, S. Moon, J. Gao, X. Zhang,
J. Wang, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ICEF2010-35052, September 2010. |
“The Effects of Diesel Injector Needle Motion on Spray Structure”, C.F. Powell, A.L. Kastengren, Z. Liu, K. Fezzaa. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power Vol. 133, Iss. 1, September 2010. | |
"Axial Development of Diesel Sprays at Varying Ambient Density", A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell, Z. Liu, S. Moon, J. Gao, X. Zhang, and J. Wang, 22nd Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Cincinnati, OH, May 2010. | |
"Spray Diagnostics at the
Advanced Photon Source 7-BM Beamline", A. L. Kastengren, C.
F. Powell, D. Arms, E. M. Dufresne, J. Wang, 22nd Annual
Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems,
Cincinnati, OH, May 2010. |
“X-Ray Radiography Measurements of Diesel Spray Structure at Engine-Like Ambient Density”, A.L. Kastengren, C.F. Powell, Y. Wang, K.-S. Im, J. Wang. Atomization & Sprays 19 (11), pp. 1031–1044, 2009. | |
“Measurement of Biodiesel Blend and Conventional Diesel Spray Structure Using X-Ray Radiography”, A.L. Kastengren, C.F. Powell, K. -S. Im, Y.-J. Wang, J. Wang. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power Vol. 131, Iss. 6, November 2009. | |
“The Effects of Diesel Injector Needle Motion on Spray Structure”, C.F. Powell, A.L. Kastengren, Z. Liu, K. Fezzaa. American Society of Mechanical Engineers ICEF2009-14076, September 2009. | |
"Effect of nozzle transients
and compressibility on the penetration of fuel sprays", J.
Kostas, D. Honnery, J. Soria, A. Kastengren, Z. Liu, C. F.
Powell, and J. Wang. Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 024101, July 2009. |
“X-Ray Measurements of Mass
Distributions in the Near-Nozzle Region of Sprays from
Standard Multi-Hole Common-Rail Diesel Injection Systems”,
P. Leick, A.L. Kastengren, Z. Liu, J. Wang and C.F. Powell.
Eleventh International Conference on Liquid Atomization and
Spray Systems, Vail, CO, July 2009. |
“High-Speed X-Ray Imaging of
Diesel Injector Needle Motion”, A.L. Kastengren, C.F.
Powell, Z. Liu, K. Fezzaa, J. Wang. American Society of
Mechanical Engineers ICES2009-76032, May 2009. |
“Time Resolved, Three
Dimensional Mass Distribution of Diesel Sprays Measured with
X-Ray Radiography”, A.L. Kastengren, C.F. Powell, Z. Liu, J.
Wang. Society of Automotive Engineers, Paper 2009-01-0840
(2009). |
“Characterizing Spray Behavior Differences between Common Rail and Unit Injection Systems Using X-Ray Radiography”, A.I. Ramírez, S. Som, S.K. Aggarwal, A.L. Kastengren, E. El-Hannouny, D.E. Longman, C.F. Powell. Society of Automotive Engineers, Paper 2009-01-0649 (2009). | |
“Development and Extensive Validation of a Primary breakup model for Diesel Engine Applications”, S. Som, A.I. Ramirez, S.K. Aggarwal, A. Kastengren, E. El-Hannouny, D.E. Longman, C.F. Powell. Society of Automotive Engineers, Paper 2009-01-1838 (2009). | |
"Quantitative X-ray
measurements of high-pressure fuel sprays from a production
heavy duty diesel injector", A. I. Ramírez,S. Som, S. K.
Aggarwal, A. L. Kastengren, E. M. El-Hannouny, D. E.
Longman, C. F. Powell. Exp Fluids 47, pp. 119–134 (2009). |
"X-Ray Radiography Measurements of Diesel Spray Structure at Engine-Like Ambient Density", A.L. Kastengren, C.F. Powell, K. -S. Im, Y.-J. Wang, J. Wang. 21st Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Orlando, FL, May 2008. | |
"Quantitative Measurement of
Diesel Fuel Spray Characteristics in the Near-Nozzle Region
of a Heavy Duty Multi-Hole Injector", A.I. Ramírez, S. Som,
S.K. Aggarwal, A.L. Kastengren, E. El-Hannouny, D.E.
Longman, C.F. Powell. 21st Annual Conference on Liquid
Atomization and Spray Systems, Orlando, FL, May 2008. |
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"Study of Diesel Jet Variability Using Single-Shot X-ray Radiography", A.L. Kastengren, C.F. Powell, Y.-J. Wang, J. Wang. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power GTP-07-1195 May 2008. | |
"Measurement of Biodiesel
Blend and Conventional Diesel Spray Structure Using X-Ray
Radiography", A.L. Kastengren, C.F. Powell, K. -S. Im, Y.-J.
Wang, J. Wang. ASME Paper ICES 2008-1646, ASME Internal
Combustion Engines Division Spring Technical Conference,
Chicago, IL, April 2008. |
"Nozzle Geometry and
Injection Duration Effects on Diesel Sprays Measured by
X-Ray Radiography", A.L. Kastengren, C.F. Powell, T. Riedel,
S.-K. Cheong, K.-S. Im, X. Liu, Y. Wang, J. Wang, Journal of
Fluids Engineering, Vol. 130, Iss. 4, April 2008. |
"Study of Diesel Jet
Variability Using Single-Shot X-ray Radiography", A.L.
Kastengren, C.F. Powell, Y.-J. Wang, J. Wang. Proceedings of
the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division 2007 Fall
Technical Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, Paper
ICEF2007-1663. October 14-17, 2007. |
"X-Ray Measurements of the
Mass Distribution in the Dense Primary Break-Up Region of
the Spray from a Standard Multi-Hole Common-Rail Diesel
Injection System" P. Leick, T. Riedel, G. Bittlinger, C.F.
Powell, A.L. Kastengren, J. Wang, Proceedings of the 21st
ILASS - Europe Meeting, Muğla, Turkey, September 2007 |
“Spray Density Measurements
Using X-Ray Radiography” A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell,
Journal of Automobile Engineering, Volume 221, Number 6,
2007, pp 653-662. |
"Improved Method to Determine Spray Axial Velocity Using X-Ray Radiography", A. L. Kastengren, C. F. Powell,T. Riedel,S.-K. Cheong, Y. Wang, K.-S. Im, X. Liu, and J. Wang, 20th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems,Chicago, IL, May 2007. | ![]() |
“Determination of Diesel
Spray Axial Velocity Using X-Ray Radiography” A. Kastengren,
C. F. Powell, T. Riedel, S. –K. Cheong, Y. Wang, K. –S. Im,
X. Liu, J. Wang, Society of Automotive Engineers, Paper
2007-01-0666 (2007). |
"Near-Nozzle Diesel Spray Imaging Using X-Rays" A. Malavé, P. Farrell, C. F. Powell, S.-K. Cheong, J. Wang, 19th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Toronto, Canada, May 2006. | ![]() |
"The Structure of High-Velocity Dense Sprays in the Near-Nozzle Region", F. X. Tanner, K. A. Feigl, S. A. Ciatti, C. F. Powell, S.-K. Cheong, J. Liu, J. Wang, Atomization and Sprays 16 (2006) 579-597. | |
Characterization of Near-Field Fuel Sprays by Multi-Orifice
Direct Injection Using Ultrafast X-Tomography Technique", X. Liu, K.-S. Im, Y. Wang, J. Wang, D. L. S. Hung, J. R. Winkelman, M. W. Tate, A. Ercan, L. J. Koerner, T. Caswell, D. Chamberlain, D. R. Schuette, H. Philipp, D. M. Smilgies, S. M. Gruner. Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers, Journal of Engines, Paper 2006-01-1041 (2006). |
"X-Ray Vision of Fuel
Sprays", J. Wang, J. Synchrotron Rad. 12 (2005) 197-207. |
"Metrology of steel
micronozzles using x-ray propagation-based phase-enhanced
microimaging", W. -K. Lee, K. Fezzaa, J. Wang, App. Phys.
Lett. 87 (2005) . |
"Near-Field Characterization of Direct Injection Gasoline Sprays from a Multi-Hole Injector Using Ultrafast X-Tomography", X. Liu, S. -K. Cheong, C. F. Powell, J. Wang, D. L. S. Hung, L. L. Winkelman, M. W. Tate, A. Ercan, D. R. Schuette, L. Koerner, S. M. Gruner, 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, May 2005. | ![]() |
"Time-Resolved X-Ray Measurements of Diesel Sprays at Elevated Ambient Pressure", E. M. El-Hannouny, S. Gupta, C. F. Powell, S. -K. Cheong, R. R. Sekar, J. Wang, 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, May 2005. | |
"Ultrafast X-Ray
Phase-Enhanced Microimaging for Visualizing the Fuel
Injection Process", K. Fezzaa, W. K. Lee, S. -K. Cheong, C.
F. Powell, J. Wang, M. C. Lai, Society of Automotive
Engineers, Paper 2005-24-093. |
"X-Ray Characterization of
Diesel Sprays and the Effects of Nozzle Geometry", C. F.
Powell, S. A. Ciatti, S. -K. Cheong, J. Liu, J. Wang, Diesel
Engine Emissions Reduction Conference, Coronado, CA, August
2004. |
“X-Ray Absorption
Measurements of Diesel Sprays and the Effects of Nozzle
Geometry”, C. F. Powell, S. A. Ciatti, S. –K. Cheong,
J. Liu, J. Wang., Society of Automotive Engineers, Paper
2004-01-2011. |
“Dynamics of Diesel Fuel
Sprays Studied by Ultra-Fast X-Radiography”, S. –K.
Cheong, J. Liu, J. Wang, C. F. Powell, S. A. Ciatti.,
Society of Automotive Engineers, Paper 2004-01-2026. |
“Comparison of x-ray based fuel spray measurements with computer simulation using the CAB model”, S. A. Ciatti, C. F. Powell, S. –K. Cheong, J. Y. Liu, J. Wang, F. X. Tanner, CIMAC/ASME Congress 2004 ; Kyoto, Japan ; June 2004. | Details![]() |
"Analysis of X-Ray-Based Computer Simulations of Diesel Fuel Sprays", F. X. Tanner, K. A. Feigl, S. A. Ciatti, C. F. Powell, S. -K. Cheong, J. Liu, J. Wang., 17th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, May 2004. | |
“Application of an Avalanche
Photodiode in Synchrotron-Based Ultra-Fast
X-Radiography”, S. –K. Cheong, J. Liu, C. F. Powell,
J. Wang., 8th International Conference on Synchrotron
Radiation Instrumentation, Aug 2003. |
"Near-Nozzle Spray
Characteristics of Heavy-Duty Diesel Injectors" E. M.
EL-Hannouny, S. Gupta, C. F. Powell, S. –K. Cheong, J. Liu,
J. Wang, R. R. Sekar., Society of Automotive Engineers,
Paper 2003-01-3150 (2003). |
"Effects of Ambient Pressure
on Fuel Sprays as Measured Using X-ray Absorption", C. F.
Powell, Y. Yue, S.-K. Cheong, S. Narayanan, R. Cuenca, S.
Ciatti, D. Shu, J. Wang, 16th Annual Conference on Liquid
Atomization and Spray Systems, May 2003. |
“Quantitative Analysis of
Highly Transient Fuel Sprays by Time-Resolved
X-Radiography” W. Cai, C. F. Powell, Y. Yue, S.
Narayanan, J. Wang, M. W. Tate, M. J. Renzi, A. Ercan, E.
Fontes, S. M. Gruner, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83 (2003) 1671-1673. |
"X-ray Imaging of Shock Waves
Generated by High-Pressure Fuel Sprays" A. G. MacPhee,
M. W. Tate, C. F. Powell, Y. Yue, M. J. Renzi, A. Ercan, S.
Narayanan, E. Fontes, J. Walther, J. Schaller, S. M. Gruner,
J. Wang., Science 295 (2002) 1261-1263. |
“Pixel Array Detectors for
Time Resolved Radiography” M. J. Renzi, M. W. Tate, A.
Ercan, S. M. Gruner, E. Fontes, C. F. Powell, A. G. MacPhee,
S. Narayanan, J. Wang, Y. Yue, R. Cuenca, Rev. Sci. Instrum.
73 (2002) 1621-1624. |
"Instantaneous Mass
Measurement of Fuel Sprays Using Time-Resolved
X-Radiography", C. F. Powell, Y. Yue, J. Liu, S.-K. Cheong,
S. Narayanan, J. Wang, 15th Annual Conference on Liquid
Atomization and Spray Systems, May 2002. |
"Measurement of Gasoline
Spray Propagation by Means of Synchrotron X-Ray", Y. Yue, C.
F. Powell, R. Cuenca, R. Poola, J. Wang, S. E.
Parrish, 15th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization
and Spray Systems, May 2002. |
“Time-Resolved and
Quantitative Characterization of Highly Transient Gasoline
Sprays by X-Radiography” W. Cai, C. F. Powell, Y. Yue, A.
MacPhee, S. Narayanan, J. Wang, M. W. Tate, M. J. Renzi, A.
Ercan, E. Fontes, S. M. Gruner., Transactions of the Society
of Automotive Engineers, Journal of Engines, 111, Paper
2002-01-1893, pp 2358-2363 (2002). |
“Shock Waves Generated by High-Pressure Fuel Sprays Directly Imaged by X-Radiography” J. Wang, A. MacPhee, C. F. Powell, Y. Yue, S. Narayanan, M. W. Tate, M. J. Renzi, A. Ercan, E. Fontes, S. M. Gruner, J. Walther, J. Schaller., Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers, Journal of Engines, 111, Paper 2002-01-1892, pp 2352-2357 (2002). | |
"Quantitative X-Ray
Measurements of a Diesel Spray Core", C. F. Powell, Y. Yue,
J. Wang, M. C. Lai, J. K. Schaller., 14th Annual
Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, May
2001. |
"X-ray Measurements of High
Pressure Diesel Sprays" C. F. Powell, Y. Yue, R.
Poola, J. Wang, M. C. Lai, J. Schaller., Society of
Automotive Engineers, Paper 2001-01-0531 (2001). |
"Quantitative Measurements of
Diesel Fuel Spray Characteristics in the Near-Nozzle Region
using X-Ray Absorption" Y. Yue, C. F. Powell, R.
Poola, J. Wang, J. K. Schaller., Atomization and Sprays 11
(2001) 471-490. |
"Quantitative Measurements of
Direct-Injection Gasoline Fuel Sprays in Near-Nozzle Region
using Synchrotron X-Rays" Y. Yue, C. F. Powell, R.
Poola, J. Wang, M. C. Lai, S. E. Parrish., Society of
Automotive Engineers, Paper 2001-01-1293 (2001). |
"Investigations of
Diesel Injection using Synchrotron X-rays for Quantitative
Measurement of the Mass Distribution and a Piezo Electrical
Sensor to Probe the Jet Force" J. K. Schaller, U.
Kunzi, C. F. Powell, Y. Yue, R. Poola, J. Wang.,
European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems,
September 2000 |
"Development of a
Quantitative Measurement of a Diesel Spray Core using
Synchrotron X-rays" R. Poola, C. F. Powell, Y. Yue, S.
Gupta, A. McPherson, J. Wang., Eighth International
Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, July
2000. |
"Time-Resolved Measurements
of Supersonic Fuel Sprays using Synchrotron X-rays" C.
F. Powell, Y. Yue, R. Poola, J. Wang., J. Synchrotron Rad.
7, (2000) 356-360. |